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    意大利Union 公司的干洗设备与技术已经应用到世界80几个国家及世界知名的培训中心如美国的国际织物保养学会(IFI)、邻里洗衣协会(NCA)、法国的CTTN 以及澳大利亚的悉尼技术学会。“优尼”洗衣将欧洲先进技术、经验与中国洗衣市场有机地结合起来,在中国洗衣市场形成独特的经营模式,目前已在中国的北京、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、山西、江苏、浙江、新疆、广州、深圳等地,形成洗衣特许经营网络,受到当地顾客的普遍欢迎。“优尼”洗衣将引领中国洗衣行业迈向一个更高层次。

  • 企业名称: 北京优尼企业管理有限公司  
  • 类    别: 干洗洗衣
  • 联 系 人: 刘丽
  • 电子邮件: hxgmzx@263.net
  • 传    真:010-85890510
  • QQ:
  • 邮政编码: 100022
  • 投资额度: 41万-118万
  • 保证金: 15000万
  • 加盟费: 2万
  • 特许经营备案号:
  • 备案日期:
  • 地    址: 北京市朝阳区建国路88号A座710室
  • 乘车路线:

    “Union Washing” was established under the cooperation between Union Enterprise Management Co. Ltd and Union Company, Italy. After set up, by using the international advanced commercial management and operation, the company already continuously expanded itˊs business and introduced the advanced technology in our country. We also have a certain number of high level technical specialists as well as outstanding administrators.

    The dry cleaning machines and technology of Union Co. already had been developed to more than 80 countries all over the world and utilized by many well known training centers. For example: IFI and NCA in United States, CTTN in France, SYDTI in Australia, etc. Combined the European advanced technology and experience with washing market in China, a new distinctive style is taking shape in washing market of China. Up to now, in Beijing and in Province of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejing, Xinjiang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen etc, a washing business franchising system had been formed and praised by local customers. “Union Washing” is leading the washing business toward a more higher level.

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